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AEF 2024

aef 2024 Barcelona


Advancing Renewable Energy Projects for Sustainable Value Chains - Chatham House Rule

27 Jun 2024
Boardroom 1
Stream 2

Renewable Projects Update

Collaborative boardroom style discussions where all participants are invited to get involved.

  • How have some of the biggest renewables projects progressed since their announcements across solar, wind and hydro?
  • What are the biggest opportunities for partnerships?
  • How has CBAM affected projects and what have been the wider implications of it?
  • How do we ensure we are keeping communities at the forefront?


Shirley Webber, Managing Principal: Coverage Head, Resources & Energy - Absa CIB
H.E. Honourable Olivier Jean-Baptiste, Minister of Energy & Hydrocarbons - Madagascar
Carlos Yum, Managing Director - The Mphanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Project Implementation Office (GMNK), Mozambique
Mohamedain Seif Elnasr, CEO - Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern & Southern Africa (RAERESA)
Jonas Kolijn, Associate Senior Investment Manager - Swedfund
Erik Granskog, Managing Director - Sisu Advisors
Palle Jensen, Director - Envision Energy
James Jin, President of Middle East, Africa & Central Asia - LONGi
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