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AEF 2024

aef 2024 Barcelona


Closed Door: Joint Roundtable: Energy Systems of the Future – Balancing Africa’s Needs with Global Goals - Ministers, Utilities, DFIs, Regulators & Corporate Leaders

25 Jun 2024
Plenary Theatre

The aim of this session is to build upon some of the initial ideas brought up in the first roundtables in a cross-collaborative platform.

Invitation Only

  • How are we increasing the scale and pace of projects and investment?
  • How can decarbonisation policies increase the participation of private sector in energy intensive industries?
  • Are the global climate goals inhibiting Africa’s ability to invest in it’s future?
Neside Tas Anvaripour, CEO - Neo Themis
Linda Munyengeterwa, Global Director, Public Private Partnerships & Corporate Finance Advisory - IFC
Joseph Nganga, Interim CEO - Global Energy Alliance for People & Planet (GEAPP)
Jonathan Berman, Managing Director - Autonomi Capital
Kweku Awotwi, Board Chairman, United Bank for Africa (Ghana) & Co-Founder & Director - Cenpower Generation Company, Ghana
Mohamed Rali Badissy, Professor & PPA Watch Co-Director - Penn State Dickinson Law & The Energy for Growth Hub
Andrew Herscowitz, Executive Director - ODI Global
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