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AEF 2024

aef 2024 Barcelona


Closed-Door Roundtable - Regional Collaboration to Streamline Energy Integration, Access & Transition Across the Continent

27 Jun 2024
Stream 4

By Invitation Only

Meeting Room 53

Regional Collaboration to Streamline Energy Integration, Access & Transition Across the Continent

• What do initiatives like the Lobito Corridor represent for energy integration and transition and how can RECs support such initiatives?
• How can RECs influence governments to open markets?
• How can cross-border transactions be streamlined for cheaper electricity?
• What risks are associated with cross-border energy projects and what are the enabling conditions for DFIs?

Rogness Swai, Renewable Energy Specialist & Consultant - USAID
Osaruyi Orobosa-Ogbeide, Senior Vice President, Project Development - AFC
H.E. Honourable Elias Mpedi Magosi, Executive Secretary - Southern African Development Community (SADC)
H.E. Honourable Chileshe Kapwepwe, Secretary General - Common Market for Eastern & South Africa (COMESA)
Jean-Baptiste Havugimana, Director Productive Sectors - East African Community (EAC)
Laurent Kocou Tossou, Chairman - ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA)
Stephen Dihwa, Executive Director - Southern African Power Pool (SAPP)
Batchi Baldeh, Director for Power Systems Development - AfDB
Marcus Williams, Global Head & Sector Manager, Energy & Extractive Industries - MIGA, The World Bank Group
Bastiaan Verink, Senior Investment Officer, Project Finance & PPPs - EIB
Tilana De Meillon, Senior Operations Officer - IFC
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