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AEF 2024

aef 2024 Barcelona


Solution Provider Insights

28 Jun 2024
Boardroom 3
Stream 4

The Africa Energy Technical Assistance Program (AESTAP): Mobilizing Technical Assistance for Africa’s Energy Sector

Collaborative boardroom style discussions where all participants are invited to get involved

Hosted by:

AfDB Logo

  • Showcase AESTAP's support to the African countries, the regional organizations and to Africa's energy sector
  • Mobilize additional donor support for AESTAP, besides from SEFA and others already involved
  • Highlight success stories and scope for replication and scaling-up
Wale Shonibare, Director Energy Financial Solutions, Policy & Regulations - AfDB
H.E. Honourable Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella, Chairman - Presidential Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy & Food Security, Sierra Leone
Mohamedain Seif Elnasr, CEO - Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern & Southern Africa (RAERESA)
Ishmael Ackah, Executive Secretary - Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), Ghana
Stephen Dihwa, Executive Director - Southern African Power Pool (SAPP)
Gissima Nyamo-Hanga, Managing Director - TANESCO, Tanzania
Callixte Kambanda, Manager for Energy Policy, Regulation & Statistics Division - AfDB
Ene Sandra Macharm, Head of Global Partnerships - GET.transform, GIZ Germany
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