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AEF 2024

aef 2024 Barcelona


Distributed Power & C&I Projects Accelerating Universal Access – Chatham House Rule

28 Jun 2024
Boardroom 2
Stream 3

Are Mini Grids and Metro Grids the Most Feasible Solution for Accelerating Universal Access?

Collaborative boardroom style discussions where all participants are invited to get involved

  • Examples of successful business models
  • Key current challenges for developers in achieving profitability and scale
  • What projects are we seeing developing on the continent?
  • Financing solutions: unlocking local capital and overcoming the gap in commercial financing
  • Government policies and regulatory frameworks
Richard Nelson, Coordinator - Power Africa
Charlene Ruto, Youth Champion & Climate Action Champion - Kenya
Felister Makumbinde, Acting CEO - Rural Electrification Fund, Zimbabwe
Yann Tanvez, Senior Investment Officer - IFC
Lucy Chege, Associate Executive, Project & Infrastructure Finance - TDB
René Koné, Global Head of Technology - Engie Energy Access
Romain de Villeneuve, CEO - WeLight
Sarah Malm, Executive Director - GOGLA
Abdul Yakubu, Energy Specialist, Universal Energy Facility - SEforALL
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