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Photo of the Year

aef 2024 Barcelona

The highly anticipated aef Photo of the Year competition is making a comeback in 2024!

We are thrilled to announce that this year's competition will take place at the full-scale conference and exhibition in Barcelona, Spain in June. The event will celebrate Africa's outstanding achievements in energy projects, and the winning photographs will showcase the remarkable impact of these projects on the community, landscape, youth empowerment and sustainability.

Please see the categories below - ENTER NOW:

  • Energy in action [Using energy for work; energy in motion; energy in the community]
  • Energy in landscape [Energy as a visible part of the landscape, including hills, rivers, buildings, trees, and plants]
  • Energy and youth [Energy connecting and empowering youth, entrepreneurs, and early career professionals]
  • Energy and sustainability [Exploring ways to use energy resources in a sustainable manner; reducing carbon footprint; promoting renewable energy sources; increasing energy efficiency]
Photo of the year 2024

2023 Winners

Energy and Sustainability Winner

1st category winner

Energy in Landscape 

2nd winner

Energy and Youth 

Youth third winner

Energy in Action

Fourth winner

Competition entry process:

Free to enter.

  1. Deadline for entries –  24th April 2024.
  2.  Four categories - Submit a photo for one, two or all categories.
  3. Please select your preferred category[s] and submit a high-resolution photo * to, detailing the category it’s for and a short description of the photo
  4. Only up to 4 images per submission are allowed. 
  5. All photos in each category will be reviewed by the EnergyNet team, and the shortlist will be available to view online on the aef website.
  6. Voting for the 2024 shortlisted photos will open on the 1st May and close on the 7th May.
  7. Live exhibition of winning and shortlisted photos will take place at aef on 25th-28th June 2024 at Fira de Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain.

Good Luck!

Terms & Conditions:

* Please note we require the photos to only be landscape and high-resolution, minimum 2MB, 300dpi, to print the winning and shortlisted photos onto large boards to display in the exhibition, the EnergyNet Magazine, Africa Energy Yearbook, and other mediums. We will accept GIF, Jpeg and PNG files, but we do not accept BMP or TIFF files

Photos must be related to projects and energy access, not just portraits of people.

Terms & Conditions: All participants must be energy professionals, work within the energy industry or be involved in energy projects on the African continent. As well as being involved and associated with the Africa Energy Forum (sponsoring, speaking, or simply attending as delegates). By submitting your photos, you are giving EnergyNet and aef full permission to use all promotional material online, offline, print, and other mediums.