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aef 2024 Barcelona

John W Ffooks & Co


John W Ffooks & Co is a full-service corporate & commercial law firm providing exclusively local counsel advice to businesses across French-speaking Africa. Our fully bilingual legal team is the only legal practice in the region supplying Napoleonic advice with a Common Law understanding of client imperatives. This makes us the obvious choice when it comes to international transactions in Francophone Africa.

Our strengths are in assisting inward investors into the region and in reconciling their Anglo-Saxon understanding of business with the realities of working under legal systems derived from the Napoleonic Code. Our expertise has earned us the trust of the largest listed companies, Investment Funds, international corporations, banks and financial institutions, light and heavy industrial firms, state-owned enterprises, and government departments.

From our fully serviced offices in Madagascar, Mauritius, Senegal, Guinea-Conakry and Togo, and our lawyer-led bureaux across the region, we advise on a full range of commercial legal issues in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, DRC, Gabon, Guinea-Conakry, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Congo, Senegal and Togo. We have senior colleagues in every jurisdiction, making us better able to respond to clients’ needs at every level, from on-the-ground operational matters to head office issues.

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